And I haven't even said THANK YOU SECRET PAL!!! I loooove it!!!
It's pink Malabrigo and I have wanted to get this color (Little Lovely) for the longest time. Secret Pal you're the best. Now I just have to find the perfect project for it.
Speaking of finding things.... I had the most frustrating experience trying to find yarn bobbins. I wasn't even being picky about the style. I went to two Wal-Marts, Joann's, and Michaels, and two LYS'. I did finally find them at the second LYS but I was beyond frustrated by that point. Who knew it would be so difficult to find something so basic. I ended up with these. I know I should have gone to a LYS first but they were all closed and I wanted them NOW, you know because I am so patient and all.
So what do I need the bobbins for? I'm working on the Mocha Cafe Afghan from the Gorgeous Knitted Afghans book. Its for my MIL and she chose for the colors to be Purple, Fushia, and Wine. Not exactly my colors but I do think its going to turn out to be really pretty, and the colors match her bedroom set perfectly. I'll post pictures when i get a little further.
And for some exciting news... We got a new Puppy!
His name is George and he's 7 months old. He is from my parents' dog's litter and we've been waiting forever to take him home (We had to wait until the move). He and Henry get along really well and he's so cute.

Aaron had decided his papered name is going to be "Hank and Aaron's Babe Ruth." Its kind of a play on words because Hank Aaron is Aaron's favorite baseball player, but its also Henry's nickname and his name put together and he informed me that George is Babe Ruth's real first name. I think its pretty clever. But the truth is I named him George after the character on Grey's Anatomy, because I'm a nerd like that.
Anyway here's a gratuitous puppy pic. It's my boys snoozing on the couch.