Monday, April 30, 2007

My Stash... A SP10 Contest

So our SP10 host is holding a contest where she wanted us to show off our stashes in hopes to get ideas about how to organize hers.
I present to you ...."The Knitting Nook"

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Here is the majority of my yarn. I have arranged in by color and its crammed full, so its not the most efficient storage system when trying to find something.

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Here at the top I have put together my more novelty type yarn and sock yarns.

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Then I have some of my magazines and pamphlet style patterns. I have more magazines and books, but they haven't made it out of the moving boxes yet.

I have to keep everything confined to the closet because my husband can't stand having it everywhere, so that how I came up with the name "The Knitting Nook."